We Grow CPG/DTC Brands From $0 to Over 8 Figures In Online Sales – Profitably.

  • Enjoy the LOWEST CACs in the CPG/Supplements industry with our high-converting ad creative formula and over 10+ years of media buying experience. Just ask our clients in the reviews section.
  • Direct Response UGC Creatives – Never run out of fresh creatives. We source fully edited, scripted UGC ads that SELL through our network of 500+ creators and video editors.
  • Landing pages with conversion rates as high as 15% (cold traffic) – ALL of our partners are ranked among the top converting Shopify stores.
attention brand owners

Digital Marketing Is Broken

Most "Digital Marketing" agencies will make you beautiful, yet useless Ads, Websites, and Emails that will not bring you a dime in sales and then will...

Blame You And
Your Products
For It!

No wonder why out of every $100 invested in digital marketing $99 are WASTED!


Do you want to see your sales curve Skyrocket and start bringing in Cash By The Hour?

If you're tired of paying hefty monthly retainers, and bleeding cash on ads,
In exchange for NO sales, high acquisition costs and EXCUSES month after month...
Then you’ve come to the right place.

What's the problem with

Advertising Agencies?

Go browse around the web or social media for a while... It won’t be long until you stumble upon ads that looks like this:


See the ads above? They promise nothing to the consumer.
They're vague. They're pointless. They're ridiculous and they DO NOT sell.

They are B.S.

Do you think that after seeing
those kinds of ads...

Anyone in the world would be convinced to head your website and buy your products?

You're going to even have an extremely hard time getting those ads clicked... let alone converting.

Yet this kind of advertising is what every agency out there is doing... while wasting your precious time and money.

Here's a fact

Advertising That promises no benefit
to the consumer does not sell

The Sales Or Else Proven Formula

Step 1: The AD

  • Ads that SELL begin with a strong HOOK. An effective hook gets attention but also creates a strong emotional response. Compare the hook to the left "Dad Creates Snack After Finding Out What Was Being Marketed To His Kids" vs. a typical agency hook such as "Top 3 reasons why you should try these snacks". Which do you think would generate the burning curiosity and desire that ultimately ends in a sale?

  • Good ads are driven by BENEFITS... not features. People simply DON'T care about products! They only care about what products can do for them.

  • How do we do it? We simply know what to say (from a psychological standpoint), how to design pages and how to make OFFERS that make people jump off their seats and TAKE ACTION! All of our clients are ranked among Shopify's top converting websites in their respective categories.

TikTok and Meta statistics

“Lowest CPAs In The Industry, Guaranteed"

Step 2: The Landing Page

The Landing Page
  • Once you have the click... It's up to the landing page to close the sale. Otherwise... your ad dollars will be wasted.

  • Our PROVEN landing page formula gets conversion rates as high 15% (cold traffic) and even more in some cases.

  • How do we do it? We simply know WHAT to write and HOW to design pages that make people jump off their seats and TAKE ACTION! All of our clients are ranked among Shopify's top converting websites on their respective categories.

Shopify statistics

All Of Our Clients Are Ranked As The Top Converting Stores In Their Niche By SHOPIFY

Step 3: Maximizing LTV

Maximizing LTV
  • Once you convert a customer for the first time, your job is to maximize the Lifetime Value metric.

  • Our Email and SMS strategy ensures your buyers will come back again and again through campaigns and automated flows... building you a fortune on the "backend"!

  • Enjoy Open Rates of as high as 50%, CTRs of 3% and Conversion Rates of 1%+ in ALL of your campaigns! (ADDED OF IN BOLD JUST TO POINT OUT, SHOULDN'T BE BOLD IN THE SITE)

Klaviyo Postscript

If you think 20% open rates are good, think again.

Recent work
I'm proud of

Recent Work - Campo Grande
Revenue Growth
$0 8 figures
Landing Page Conversion Rate with a $220 AOV
BloombergNew York TimesForbes
Recent Work - King Lou
Revenue Growth
$0 7 figures
Landing Page
Conversion Rate


Social icons

Profitable Facebook And Instagram Ads (UGC Ads + Media Buying)

We write direct-response scripts and then create the actual video assets (UGC ads) through our network 500+ content creators. We'll also handle the media buying (backend) part to get you the lowest CPAs in the CPG industry (just ask our clients).


Landing Pages That Sell On The First Click

Our PROVEN landing page formula converts up to 15% of FIRST time visitors.

dollar and coins

Email + SMS Marketing That Maximizes Your Profits

We maximize customer lifetime value by making one time customers buy again and again.

Bottle Icon

Full Funnel Service

If you'd like us to do all of the above, we can do so at a discounted price. Get in touch and we'll send you an offer.

Juan Personal Photo

Hi there. My name is Juan, and this is why you can trust me with your DTC strategy.

  • I have scaled a handful of CPG brands from $0 to the high 8 figures by leading their paid media and landing pages.

  • My metrics have been key in closing multi-million dollar funding rounds for them, and that’s after 2023 – when capital is not easy to come by.

  • And if you’re not into fundraising… I have helped others build profitable businesses that grow comfortably with ZERO outside investment.

In short

I’m the guy who finally made DTC work for many brands who’ve been burned by many (sometimes famous) agencies before.

Mondelez LogoLama Naturals LogoReal Madrid LogoIwon Organics LogoCampo Grande Logo

Since no “NDA” prevents me from sharing this past success – I’m upfront and transparent about whom I work with. 

My clients (which you can find on this site) will be happy to recommend my services to anyone, so feel free to reach out to them.

So… if you’ve created a potentially life-changing product that solves a BIG problem for your consumer.

I can definitely replicate the above success for you.

Book A Free Strategy Session

What Our Partners Are Saying

Juan knows how to write landing pages & ads that make people take action on the FIRST touchpoint. This is a key, yet overlooked piece of DTC that can be the difference between burn and profit. A true operator. Knows his stuff.

Mark Samuel
Founder & CEO at IWON Organicsstars

Juan is an amazing marketer who knows how to get results. I'd recommend him to any CPG or consumer brand who is looking to improve their marketing and get more sales.

Brad Baum
Co-founder at Llama Naturalsstars

Juan’s landing pages convert up to 5% of FIRST-TIME visitors which is HUGE considering our first order value is about $220. We had projected 200k in revenue on our first year in DTC, but made more than $3.5 MILLION (and growing) thanks to his ad and landing page strategy.

Kurt Oriol
Founder & CEO at Campo Grande and Real Madrid Camps USAstars

Sales genius. Knows how to make people convert on the first click with his landing pages.

Oliver Pestalozzi
Ex-Google, Founder & CEO of GADsmastersstars

The conversion rate Juan got for us was insane. We didn’t even know hitting a conversion rate of more than 10% was possible with cold traffic. That 10% actually BUYS on the first visit into our site. He’s the only marketer who’s actually generated money for us after trying with many “top tier” agencies.

Kara Landau
Autralia’s Top Gut Health Dietitian, Founder & CEO at Uplift Foodstars


I Will Review Your Strategy, Website, Emails & Ads And Provide You With FREE ACTIONABLE Insights

This is not a sales call. I just want to see if I can help you grow your DTC business. Even if we don't end up working together, you'll get HUGE value from this call, and you'll leave with MONEY MAKING INSIGHTS that you can put into practice immediately.

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Click HERE to contact us or write to hello@salesorelse.com

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